Chum Dinger
The Chum Dinger is the best method of deploying your chum at any depth! Make your next big spearfishing trip get on the fish with ease. this hard chum box is designed to be easy to use and extremely durable. The best way to use this is to fill it with quality chum and lower it just above where the fish currently are. After you deploy chum for a while bring the Chum Dinger to a shallower depth. That will bring the fish up with it. Make your dives shallower and fishier!
This chum box is paired perfectly with frozen chum blocks you can get at a bait shop or marina. It also works great with home made chum blocks or boxes of glass minnows. The durable construction keeps the chum box from getting destroyed by large a predator, like sharks. Chumming come with the inherent risks of attracting sharks and other predators, but it also bring in more and large fish. The chum box does float, so you may want to add a few pounds of lead to sink the chum box while it is in use. Get your chum dinger today and make your next spearfishing trip even better.
Chum Dinger Features:
- Red, White, and Blue Color for that patriotic aesthetic
- It Floats, great for fishing or pelagic fish
- Easy to use and secure with the spring loaded door
- Stainless steel screws and hardware for durability
- Easy to clean, fits in 5 gallon bucket!
- High quality plastic and does not hold odor