How To Rig De-Multiplied Roller Speargun to Breakaway
De-Multiplied Roller Spearguns are some of the newest spearguns on the market and the newest innovations in spearfishing technology. They are more complicated than your standard speargun, or even a roller speargun. Inverted roller guns work on a principle of extremely long band pulls. When they are rigged properly, they are magical. The range on these spearguns is insane. The lack of recoil also makes them accurate on a disturbing level. With all that being said, these spearguns are daunting to rig properly and average gun.
How De-Multiplied Roller Spearguns Work
A De-Multiplied Roller Speargun works by multiplying the distance and number of bands on the speargun, while maintaining the same length. To be a De-Multiplied Roller, the bands need to connect around the mid point of the speargun and run back and wrap under the speargun to another anchor point. This connection point works as a harness point for other bands and a wishbone similar to an inverted roller. The harness acts as the tension point allowing the speargun to be effectively overpowered while maintaining accuracy.
Rigging a De-Multiplied Roller Speargun
Rigging a De-multiplied roller is no simple task. There are a lot of moving parts to keep track of and maintain. It is not a beginner speargun by any stretch.
The bands on a De-Multiplied roller are complicated. They are thick (19mm) in order to store more energy. The bands are long and they are numerous, and they are routed in a very particular way. They also have to be loaded in a certain order to function at their best. When you first get your De-Multiplied Roller Speargun, make sure to take a bunch of pictures and measurements of how it is rigged to replicate it in the future.
Shafts and Slip Tips
The shafts for these have to be very thick. The amount of force exerted by these guns makes any skinny shaft flex, causing inaccuracy. Most De-Multiplied Roller Spearguns take customized 10mm spear shafts. They need additional loading tabs to assist in properly loading the long roller bands. The question then comes down to if you use a flopper shaft or slip tip. Some of that comes to user preference, some of it is what species you are targeting.
Shooting Line
The shooting line needs to match the type of fish you are targeting. Spectra is generally the best shooting line for De-Multiplied Roller Spearguns. The reduced line memory allows for accurate, long shots. Cable can also be a good option in the right conditions. The accuracy of the shot is reduced, but in some situations it may be the only way to land your fish. Cable shooting line is particularly important in waters with lots of sharks. The cable won’t help you get your fish away from the sharks, but it will help you keep the spear shaft while you get sharked.
Floatline Breakaway Adapter
There is no reason to use such a powerful speargun on the reef. That means that there is no reason to connect a reel to this speargun. Instead, these powerful bluewater guns should be rigged with a floatline. The best way to connect your shooting line and spear to a floatline is with a floatline breakaway adapter. It makes a streamlined point of contact to keep your shooting line tensioned on the speargun. It also allows for a quick and sturdy connection to your floatline and float.